June 21st heralds an eclipsed New Moon in Cancer. It’s also the Summer Solstice, or ‘Litha’. To add to this, Mercury rules Gemini, and Venus is in Gemini at the moment, also retrograde! So a very powerful time.
Eclipses happen quite frequently so are often considered not to be too significant. However, with all this activity I’m not so sure!
At this time of the Pandemic and civil unrest, the Annular Solar Eclipse in Cancer welcomes new beginnings and unexpected opportunities. These tend to begin from inside ourselves and we may realise that we want ‘more’. It’s a time for cosmic ordering!
However, with Mercury turning retrograde on the 18th it’s time to look at things from a different perspective. To review and take stock. We will see people in a different light. Venus retrograde in Gemini enforces this message. We need to slow down, listen to what is really going on and ground ourselves and our psyche.
People born under the sign of Cancer are nurturers. They have great empathy and sensitivity. This is because their element is water, so they can be intuitive and emotional. At the time of the New Moon some of the more negative traits can emerge. They can be overly emotional sometimes to the point of moodiness for no apparent reason. This affects not only people of this Sign, but people in general
However, a New Moon is an ideal opportunity to reflect on where we can use this positively. A New Moon Tarot Reading is perfect for this purpose.
Draw the Chariot Card, as this is the card related to the sign of Cancer. Use this as the Significator. Then draw further cards to help you identify where you have possibly been too moody, where these feelings have come from, why are you feeling like this. Then further cards can help you identify your vulnerabilities and whether you should accept these or let them go. Then finally, draw another card to help clarify how you can use this extra sensitivity and emotion to help others who may need it.